What are you currently working on?

Apart from promoting ‘One of its Legs’ and ‘Pocket Full of Days, Part 1’, I’ve been busily finalising Part 2 of Pocket Full, and hoping it will be available by the end of September 2019.

I’m also working through redrafting a novel I’ve ‘completed’, which means it has lots of words and says The End on the last page but is far from finished in terms of final shape and finesse. It concerns a young woman’s hunt for her past that takes her away from home to find the familiar in the unfamiliar. Definitely one of the ‘seven themes’ that supposedly define everything that’s ever been written. I’m OK with that. Right now I’m wrestling with the apparent death of a major character. No spoiler here, as I haven’t decided! In between times I’m still writing and recording tunes, and there’s always more to do around the house!

Tell us a bit about who you are.

Where did you get the idea for ‘Legs’?

What were your goals in writing ‘Legs’?

How do you think autism has affected your life?

What’s the best thing about being a writer?

What are you currently working on?