Music and A Pocket Full Of Days

I’ve compiled a number of my songs and instrumentals that relate to what is in ‘One Of Its Legs are Both the Same’ and ‘A Pocket Full of Days’ and made them available to listen to from the Mike’s Music page. Some of the tracks are recent, others go back a quarter century or more; some are almost mini-stories of actual events, others are less literal interpretations of events and more generally evocative of what was happening at the time. I hope you can take a few minutes and go have a listen. Direct links are: Music for One of its Legs, Music for Pocket Full, Part 1 and Music for Pocket Full Part 2. I’ve noted the relevant Chapter from each memoir to which the songs most relate, but bear in mind that many of these are only loose associations and are indicative of the general ‘vibe’ of what is in the chapter.

Hope you enjoy them – I’d be more than happy to supply these as mp3s or wavs on request, or to post out a cd. Just shoot me a note via the contact page. More of my music lurks around in Bandcamp as well, and you can find the lyrics for all of the songs there. I’d also be happy to provide lyrics on request – just drop a comment in below.


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